Hi ladies! This week I have been reading Psalm 16. This psalm focuses on the goodness of the Lord.
David finds his delight only in the Lord and confesses that everything good in his life has come from God.
As I’ve thought about all that is going on in our world from shootings, to higher gas and food prices, to pandemics, this psalm has been comforting.
Verse 8 says, I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Not only does everything good come from the Lord, but He is at our right hand. So no matter what the future holds, we can be confident because Jesus is with us.
I don’t know what your week has been like, have you felt discouraged? When I feel discouraged, the best thing for me is to spend more time in God’s word.
Let me encourage to read Psalm 16 and know that we have nothing to fear with God on our side. Look for His goodness this week!
When I think of the goodness of God, this song always comes to my mind. I listen to it often.
Many blessings,
So true!! My big struggle lately is forgetting to go to God first when stress and anxiety try to take over. Thank you for this reminder. ♥️
Psalm 16:11 is one of my favorite verses. Our path seems rocky at times, especially in these difficult days of our world, but so thankful that in His presence is fullness of joy!
Oh wow, I so needed this! Keeping that verse with me from now on. Thank you! And this song is amazing….the voice of an angel!