
5 Tips to Help You With a Daily Quiet Time

April 5, 2022

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I'm Cyndi — creator of Beauty for the Heart™. I'm here to help you discover your worth and beauty in Christ.

Meet Cyndi

Hi ladies! Having quiet time is a topic many of us struggle with. It sounds simple, so why is it so difficult?

I try to study scripture and have my prayer time (I pray more throughout the day, but I want to start it with prayer) first thing in the morning. If I’m not careful, I can let emails, social media, work, etc. take priority.

Believe me, the enemy would like nothing more than to keep us so busy, that we never open our Bible.

If we want to look more like Christ, we have to spend time with him, and there’s no better way than reading scripture.

Psalm 119:105  tells us, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

There is no wrong or right way but here are 5 Tips To Help You With a Daily Quiet Time.

1. Find a Place- Pick a specific spot in your home that is comfortable and free from distractions. Make this your special place.

2. Pick a time of day- I’m a morning person, and I like to begin my day in God’s word. It’s the first thing I do every morning. I grab my cup of coffee and spend time reading His word and praying.

The time of day is not important but just find a time that works for you.

3. Use a Study Bible– A study Bible has application notes, personality profiles, and charts. For everyday reading, I use the New Living Translation.

4. Use a Devotional Guide- I like the structure of using a devotional guide, but I like one that encourages me to read more than one verse. It’s important that we READ scripture. I love the Youversion bible app.

5. Discipline- Commit to doing your quiet time consistently for at least 30 days. Try it every day without exception whether you feel like it or not.

Having a daily quiet time will not be easy. It will require sacrifice, but the more you do it, the more it will become a part of your daily schedule.

I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

Have a blessed day!

xo, Cyndi

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  1. Mio says:

    I know that this is the perfect blog for many who would like to be more structured in their walk with our Lord. Sometimes we just need a framework.
    Thank you for connecting with women who need this. My sister sent this to me, surely through the power and grace of the Spirit!